WorkAdventure Backstage is an administration interface for WorkAdventure. It helps you to organize your users, share/restrict access to the maps or upload texture sets. It also helps you to easily assign admin rights to one or more users to get advanced rights.
Manage WorkAdventure Maps
✅ connect as many maps to your WorkAdventure Backstage Admin Panel as you like
✅ control Map Access
✅ public access (map is accessible for everyone)
✅ access for a specific user group
✅ restrict access for certain maps
Manage WorkAdventure Users
✅ add WorkAdventure Users with E-Mail addresses and create invitation links
✅ update WorkAdventure User Profile Data
✅ flag WorkAdventure Users with an Admin-Tag for a selected WorkAdventure Map/World to grant admin rights
Use Admin Features easily
✅ grant and change admin rights easily
✅ new menu button for admins visible in WorkAdventure
✅ possibility to send text messages to every or all user(s) on the map
✅ possibility to stream a pre-recorded MP3 to all map users
Add Texture Sets
✅ upload your own texture sets for your WoKa and see the results directly in WorkAdventure